What are the best chickens to breed in the UK?

There are many different breeds of chickens that are well-suited to breeding in the UK, depending on your needs and preferences. Here are a few popular choices:

  1. Rhode Island Red: This is a hardy and productive breed that is good for both egg-laying and meat production.
  2. Sussex: This breed is known for its calm temperament and excellent egg-laying abilities.
  3. Leghorn: This breed is known for being a prolific egg-layer, and is popular among commercial egg producers.
  4. Orpington: This breed is popular for both meat and egg production, and is known for its calm temperament and attractive appearance.
  5. Marans: This breed is known for its dark, richly coloured eggs, and is often raised for egg production.
  6. Plymouth Rock: This breed is known for its good temperament and hardiness, and is popular for both meat and egg production.

Ultimately, the best breed for you will depend on your specific goals and needs as a breeder. It’s important to do your research and choose a breed that will thrive in your particular environment and meet your production goals.